On May 20th, 2022, at the World Higher Education Conference IIOE Round Table, UNESCO-ICHEI released its joint research outcomes. UNESCO-ICHEI collaborated with the Institute of Education at Tsinghua University and assembled a team of over 50 scholars and researchers worldwide to put together three handbooks, including Handbook of Educational Reform through Blended Learning, Handbook of Teacher Professional Development in Higher Education, Handbook of Teacher Professional Development in Technical and Vocational Education and Training, and the Research Report on Digital Transformation of Higher Education Teaching and Learning, are collectively referred as the “3+1 project”. The handbooks will be published in all 4 UN official languages (Chinese, English, French and Spanish) and the Research Report on Digital Transformation of Higher Education Teaching and Learning is made available for open access on the internet.

The research report focuses on the digital transformation of teaching and learning, and tries to introduce relevant concepts, ideas, methods, and challenges, and proposes possible solutions for international organizations, governments, higher education institutions (HEIs), enterprises and other stakeholders to promote the digital transformation of teaching and learning. In its 9 chapters, a map of HEI digital transformation background, characteristics, strategies, and directions is depicted, and six aspects: institutional policies, strategies and support, academic program approaches, curriculum development and delivery, teachers’ professional competencies, learners and their learning, and teaching quality assurance systems are also emphasized. Then follows the discussion of challenges in promoting digital transformation in higher education teaching and learning and its possible solutions with examples and practices from different countries.

More publications from UNESCO-ICHEI can be found here: https://en.ichei.org/dist/index.html#/publicationDetail?nid=27&pid=8&cid=89