100 interactive mathematical learning situations, focused on grades 7 to 4, offers MatCon, the new interactive online platform developed by the Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM) of the University of Chile, together with the Ministry of Education (Mineduc). The website is freely accessible and with regular updates. In addition, a mobile application will soon be available.

The platform, with free access, will provide 100 interactive mathematical learning situations, focused on levels from 7th grade to 4th grade. In addition, it will have regular updates and will soon have a mobile application available.
What would be the best place to locate a solar plant that supplies energy to Concepción? How has the beaver population increased in Tierra del Fuego? How to mathematically argue the existence of a mega drought in the central zone? These are just some examples of the situations that teachers from all over the country will be able to address in their classrooms thanks to the MatCon platform, an unprecedented interactive and open-use website for learning mathematics in elementary and middle school.
The coordinator of Connected Mathematics (MatCon) and professional of the Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM) of the University of Chile, Ricardo Fredes, explains that “this project seeks to provide innovative educational resources that allow teachers to manage a teaching of mathematics that meets the motivations and concerns of children and adolescents.”
The director of the Education Laboratory and director of Innovation and Transfer of the CMM of the University of Chile, Salomé Martínez, reveals that “these learning situations have a very powerful moment of engagement, which is where students are motivated to get involved in a problem. Teachers may raise many other questions in the context of the problem presented. MatCon does not limit or impose a model, but invites innovation in the classroom.”
The website contains a series of educational resources (videos, infographics, presentations, work guides, interactive resources and databases) that aim to facilitate the construction of learning with relevant problems for society and that trigger processes focused on the development of skills. It will also provide 100 interactive mathematical learning situations, focused on levels from 7th grade to 4th grade.
Gloria Baeza, professor of mathematics and professional of the CMM of the U. of Chile, details that “for each learning situation a management divided into 4 moments is suggested: presentation of the situation, construction of knowledge, systematization, and evaluation and practice”.
From the Center for Mathematical Modeling, they indicate that MatCon also proposes learning situations for the scientific-humanistic Differentiated Training Plan, allows users to download all resources in editable format and is available on the National Curriculum page. The platform is also free to access, will have regular updates and will soon have a mobile application available.
Revival of Mathematics
During the launch of the website, the executive secretary of the Comprehensive Educational Reactivation Plan of the Ministry of Education, Joaquín Walker, highlighted the initiative of the CMM of the University of Chile and, in passing, explained part of the strategies “to recover the system, from the enormous blows and consequences of the prolonged closure of educational facilities due to the pandemic”.
In this line, he explained that the plan contemplates three main axes. “First, how we work on the well-being, mental health and coexistence of educational communities; second, how we work on assistance and linkage; and, third, how we improve and strengthen learning,” explained the government authority.
Alonso Farías Ponce
Communications CMM
University of Chile
The original article can be found here.