This Shanghai Jiao Tong University course is a part of the Global Hybrid Classroom (GHL) initiative.

Course Objective:

This course builds on basic finance theory and economic principles and focuses on managing risks faced by commercial banks in China. Upon successful completion of the course, students are expected to understand the history and changing dynamics of the banking industry in China and how the Reform and Openness after 1979 changed the landscape of the banking industry in China. Students are also expected to understand the special role of financial intermediaries in the economy, the importance of managing risks faced by the banks in China, and how to appropriately regulate the financial system in the face of the rising Fintech.


  • Students should have a background in introductory economics, mathematics, and statistics.
  • Furthermore, students should keep themselves informed of current developments in the financial system in China and the world.

Textbooks and References:

  • Saunders and Cornett, Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach, 8th edition, International Edition, McGraw Hill, 2014 (FIM)
  • Peter S. Rose and Sylvia C. Hudgins, Bank Management and Financial Services, 8th Edition, Machinery Industry Press, 2011 (BMFS)

Lead instructor

Timetable (GMT+8):

  • Session 1: Thursdays, September 23, 18:00 – 21:00
  • Session 2: Thursdays, September 30, 18:00 – 21:00
  • Session 3: Thursdays, Octgober 7, 18:00 – 21:00
  • Session 4: Thursdays, Octrober 14, 18:00 – 21:00
  • Session 5: Thursdays, October 21, 18:00 – 21:00

Each session will be offered in English. Students will be able to register for each individual session and are welcomed to participate during the live interactive section. The registration link will be made available one to two weeks prior to the start of the first session. Stay tuned!

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