MOOC Exchange: XuetangX, along with 148 Chinese universities will share 450 MOOCs with ICE-I and 600 MOOCs with ThaiMOOC 

MOOC Exchange: XuetangX, along with 148 Chinese universities will share 450 MOOCs with ICE-I and 600 MOOCs with ThaiMOOC 

From April 22 to April 24, representatives from the Indonesian Cyber Education Institute (ICE-I) and ThaiMOOC visited the GMA Secretariat and XuetangX in Beijing. The ICE-I delegation included Professor Paulina Pannen, Senior Advisor to ICE-I,…

[OED Host Reflect] WANG Shuaiguo: “Do we still need subject-specific educators?”
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[OED Host Reflect] WANG Shuaiguo: “Do we still need subject-specific educators?”

On June 2, Tsinghua University Center for Faculty Development hosted an exciting panel discussion on “The New Age of AI and Education — A Study into the Teaching Enhancements Made Possible by GPT-Like AI Technologies”…

Unraveling and Embracing Al in Higher Education: Practices · Opportunities · Challenges · Future

Unraveling and Embracing Al in Higher Education: Practices · Opportunities · Challenges · Future

The first session of the 2023 Online Education Dialogue (OED) with the theme “Navigating Al-Driven Digital Transformation in Higher Education” was successfully held on May 17th. Co-hosted by the Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance (GMA), Tsinghua University, XuetangX and UNESCO International Centre…

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