——— Alliance’s co-founding member ———

Tsinghua University

China (Asia)

Tsinghua University was established in 1911, originally under the name “Tsinghua Xuetang”. The school was renamed “Tsinghua School” in 1912. The university section was founded in 1925. The name “National Tsinghua University” was adopted in 1928.At present, the university has 20 schools and 59 departments with faculties in science, engineering, humanities, law, medicine, history, philosophy, economics, management, education and art.

With the motto of “Self-Discipline and Social Commitment” and the spirit of “Actions Speak Louder than Words”, Tsinghua University is dedicated to the well-being of Chinese society and to world development. As one of China’s most prestigious and influential universities, Tsinghua is committed to cultivating global citizens who will thrive in today’s world and become tomorrow’s leaders. Through the pursuit of education and research at the highest level of excellence, Tsinghua is developing innovative solutions that will help solve pressing problems in China and the world.

Global Hybrid Classroom (GHC) & Global Open Courses (GOC) course offerings:

Recent related post:

MOOC Exchange: XuetangX, along with 148 Chinese universities will share 450 MOOCs with ICE-I and 600 MOOCs with ThaiMOOC 

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From April 22 to April 24, representatives from the Indonesian Cyber Education Institute (ICE-I) and ThaiMOOC visited the GMA Secretariat and XuetangX in Beijing. The ICE-I delegation included Professor Paulina Pannen, Senior Advisor to ICE-I,…
Read More MOOC Exchange: XuetangX, along with 148 Chinese universities will share 450 MOOCs with ICE-I and 600 MOOCs with ThaiMOOC 

Main Meeting: “Reconstruction of Future Universities and Education Driven by Artificial Intelligence” 

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Under the theme “Reconstruction of Future Universities and Education Driven by Artificial Intelligence,” the 2023 Global MOOC and Online Education Conference was convened in Milan. This event, jointly hosted by the Global MOOC and Online…
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[OED Host Reflect] XU Luping: “Can AI, operating based on patterns and established structures, cultivate innovation and creativity?”

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On June 2, Tsinghua University Center for Faculty Development hosted an exciting panel discussion on “The New Age of AI and Education — A Study into the Teaching Enhancements Made Possible by GPT-Like AI Technologies” with scholars…
Read More [OED Host Reflect] XU Luping: “Can AI, operating based on patterns and established structures, cultivate innovation and creativity?”

[OED Host Reflect] WANG Shuaiguo: “Do we still need subject-specific educators?”

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On June 2, Tsinghua University Center for Faculty Development hosted an exciting panel discussion on “The New Age of AI and Education — A Study into the Teaching Enhancements Made Possible by GPT-Like AI Technologies”…
Read More [OED Host Reflect] WANG Shuaiguo: “Do we still need subject-specific educators?”

[OED Host Reflect] XU Luping: “next generation to be trained to be innovative problem designers”

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During the Online Education Dialogue 2023, Professor Xu Luping, Nano Biotechnology scientist and Vice Dean of Xingjian College at Tsinghua University (a co-founding member of the Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance), presented a compelling vision of how…
Read More [OED Host Reflect] XU Luping: “next generation to be trained to be innovative problem designers”

Unraveling and Embracing Al in Higher Education: Practices · Opportunities · Challenges · Future

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The first session of the 2023 Online Education Dialogue (OED) with the theme “Navigating Al-Driven Digital Transformation in Higher Education” was successfully held on May 17th. Co-hosted by the Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance (GMA), Tsinghua University, XuetangX and UNESCO International Centre…
Read More Unraveling and Embracing Al in Higher Education: Practices · Opportunities · Challenges · Future

Seeking Global Cooperation to Navigate the AI-Driven Digital Transformation of Higher Education

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In the digital age, managing home assignments becomes seamless with AI-driven solutions. As a student, I frequently leverage this resource ghostwriting hausarbeit for a more efficient approach. This service tailors its support to my academic…
Read More Seeking Global Cooperation to Navigate the AI-Driven Digital Transformation of Higher Education