The following is the output of the Online Education Dialogue that happened on April 13 (09:00-11:00, Buenos Aires; 20:00-22:00, Beijing). The Dialogue was co-organized by the Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance Secretariat (Tsinghua University) and Tsinghua University Latin America Center. Three universities from Argentina (University of Buenos Aires, National University of Rosario, National University of Cordoba) and three universities and an online education platform from China (Tsinghua University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, XuetangX — all co-founding members of the Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance) took part in the Dialogue.
Thanks to the generous support from XuetangX, you may also view the live stream playback on the online education platform, and in three different languages:
Overall Theme
Reimagining Higher Education in the Digital Era and Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of China-Argentina Diplomatic Relations
Opening & Welcome Remarks
The year 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Argentina, and is a year of great historical significance. Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping and President Alberto Fernández. China and Argentina have joint hands to promote high-quality cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative, promote the building of a community of a shared future for mankind, and lead the continuous and in-depth development of the China-Argentina comprehensive strategic partnership. In February this year, when President Alberto Fernández was invited to China for the Beijing Winter Olympics, he was appointed as an honorary professor by Tsinghua University. China and Argentine are far apart, but we have been helping each other and have created a chapter of friendship for half a century.

Vice President and Provost, Tsinghua University;
Convenor of Executive Committee, Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance
YANG Bin is a Professor of Business Administration, Ph.D. in Management Science. His expertise in General Management includes Organizational Leadership, Ethics, Non-market Strategy, Higher Education Management and etc. He received his BS in Management Information Systems and MS/Ph.D in Management Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University with titles of “Outstanding Graduate”. He has been teaching at Tsinghua School of Economics and Management after graduation and won many awards such as the “Outstanding Young Faculty Award” and “Best Teaching Award”. He is Vice-Chairman of the Association of Chinese Graduate Education, Sectary-General of China National Engineering Education Supervisory Committee, and Sectary-General of China National MBA Education Supervisory Committee.
Sub-theme 1: Accelerating International Cooperation through Digital Higher Education
Under this sub-theme, two universities from Argentina and an online education platform from China presented good practices of using digital technology to facilitate international teaching and learning; and then a brief topic discussion between the guest speakers was held afterward.
Presentation 1 (in English): National University of Cordoba

Head of the Department of Economic Sciences, National University of Cordoba (UNC)
- Doctor en Ciencias Económicas. Faculty of Economic Sciences. National University of Cordoba (UNC). Argentina
- Vice Dean. Faculty of Economic Sciences. National University of Cordoba. UNC.
- Director of the Doctorate Program. Graduate School. Faculty of Economic Sciences. UNC.
- Coordinator of the Diploma: “A bridge to China: Business Culture”. Confucius Institute- Faculty of Economic Sciences (UNC).
- Professor of the Doctoral Program in Economic Sciences. (Subject: Advanced Macroeconomics) Graduate School. Faculty of Economic Sciences. UNC.
- Author of various research articles in the area of Macroeconomics and International Finance.
Presentation 2 (in English): XuetangX

CEO, XuetangX
WANG Shuaiguo is the CEO of XuetangX, an online learning platform founded by Tsinghua University. Prior to joining XuetangX, He was responsible for the research of online education in Tsinghua. His MOOC was awarded the National MOOC of China, with over 80,000 enrollments. In 2015, he founded Rain Classroom, which is the most active teaching tools for higher education in China. Shuaiguo holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in Computer Science from Tsinghua University.
Presentation 3 (in Spanish): National University of Rosario

Secretary of Internationalization, National University of Rosario (UNR)
Patricia Rojo has a degree in International Relations from the National University of Rosario (UNR), Argentina, a Master’s in Political Science and Sociology from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) and a Diploma in Gender and University Leadership from the College of the Americas (COLAM), University Organization Interamericaine (OUI).
She currently served as Secretary of Internationalization at the National University of Rosario (UNR), Argentina. She develops her teaching and research activity as a Full Professor of the Chair of International Relations in the Faculty of Political Science and as Director of the Gender and University Leadership Program of the National University of Rosario. Coordinator of International Cooperation Projects such as ALFA (“Amérique Latine – Formation Académique” or Latin America Academic Formation) Program III and “Erasmus+: Jean Monnet”. Council member of the Space of Women Leaders from Higher Education Institutions in the Americas (EMULIES) Program from the Inter-american Organization for Higher Education (OUI-IOHE)
Panel Discussion on Sub-theme 1

Sub-theme 2: Visions for Digital Higher Education Development
(Mid-term goals and long-term visions for the digitalization of higher education)

Invitation to join future alliance activities

Director of Online Education Center at Tsinghua University;
Secretary-General of Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance
Dr. WANG Xiaoxiao is the Director of Online Education Center at Tsinghua University, and Secretary-General of Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance. Since 2013, she has been working on MOOC development, blended learning, and hybrid learning at Tsinghua University. She obtained an Ed.D from Tsinghua University and a BSc in urban and regional planning and an MA in the economics and management of education from Peking University. She is in charge of Tsinghua University Online Education development, including online and blended curriculum development, research, and domestic and international cooperation in online education.
Closing Remarks
About 2,000 students from

Vice president for International Affairs, University of Buenos Aires
Patricio Conejero Ortiz holds a Degree in Economics (UBA). Research Fellow (2018-19) of the Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies with a focus on International Development of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP) at MIT. He is a Professor of Internationalization of Higher Education (UBA) and Adjoint Professor of the Department of Economics (UBA). He is currently Vice president of International Affairs of the UBA and Director of the Confucius Institute of Buenos Aires.

The Dialogue was hosted and moderated by Enoch Wong, the Assistant Secretary-General of the Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance; and the Senior Manager of Online Education and International Cooperation at Tsinghua University.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out at [email protected] or [email protected] if you are too interested to cooperate or speak in future dialogues or alliance activities.